Sustain yourself

and your wealth with a

Madrona Wealth Plan

Get a custom-made financial plan, rooted in the 7 areas that sustain wealth, that is designed to give you the quality of life you want. What memories will you make?

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • “I’m not sure when or how I can retire comfortably”
  • “I’m stuck because I don’t want to pay the big tax bill”
  • “The market negatively affects my mood”
  • “I don’t know the right questions to ask”
  • “My spouse says we’re fine, but I’m still unsure”
  • “I’m just going to work as long as I can…”
  • “I just don’t know where to start…”

If you answered yes to any of these statements, then the Rooted Wealth Plan may be for you.

Click “Get Started” to get the Rooted Wealth Analysis and start your journey to get peace of mind.


The MADRONA Wealth Plan

Designed So That You Can Enjoy The Qualify Of Life You Want To Live…
And Leave The Legacy You Want To Leave

The Madrona Wealth Plan is a custom-made financial plan for those whose net worth is $500,000, $2.5 Million, or even $25 Million.

The purpose of the plan is to give you clarity on how to sustain yourself and your wealth for generations to come.

The plan addresses all 7 areas that sustain wealth. If this is something you want, get started by clicking “Start Here” and get your Rooted Wealth Analysis.

The 7 Areas That Sustain Wealth

Lifestyle Planning

It starts now, even if you are not retired. Lifestyle Planning focuses on planning for income and expenses so that you can maximize your quality of life.

How do you want to live your life today, tomorrow, and in years to come?

Growth Planning

There is no such thing as a perfect investment. With Growth Planning, you can strategically diversify your investments on multiple levels so that your wealth grows, based on the purpose that drives it.

Are your assets growing in the right direction so that they can do what you want them to do?

Protection Planning

A market crash may be one of the biggest fears people have, but it's not the only way you could lose your wealth and quality of life. Protection Planning focuses on how to minimize the different areas you may be at risk so that you can sustain your quality of life and wealth.

Don't lose it right before you need it. Are you protected?

Tax Planning

Taxes will most likely be your biggest expense for the rest of your life. Did you know that getting to a zero-tax bracket for the rest of your life may end up costing you more in taxes overall? Tax Planning allows you to work with an advisor and a CPA so that you pay the least amount of taxes possible

How money could you save from tax planning?

Healthcare Planning

Long-Term Care is a conundrum. If you can afford it, you probably don't need it. If you need it you probably can't afford it. Healthcare Planning is a deep dive into the different options you have available to you while looking at your Medicare/Medicaid plans so that you can be prepared for potentially rising medical expenses. Anticipate the possible expenses while it's still cheap. The options available to you may surprise you.

Want to see other options that may be a better fit for you?

Gift Planning

When correct planning is done, you may find that you have extra funds that you want to give. Whether it is to your family, the local church or charities, or something else, you don't need to wait until you pass to give. Gifting Planning focuses on efficiently passing your generosity while you are alive so that you can enjoy watching others receive your gifts. 

Where do you want to send extra funds?

Legacy Planning

Legacy or Estate Planning is for everyone. One of the kindest acts you can do before you pass is to get your estate documents in order so that your heirs don't deal with probate. Relationships can be lifted or ruined over how your legacy planning is done, or not done. Determine the legacy you want to leave without compromising others.

Do you have the necessary estate documents?

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life”

Henry David Thoreau

The Madrona Difference

Advisors + CPAs = Peace Of Mind

It takes a team of professionals to manage wealth properly. Instead of looking for a “jack of all trades”, consider a specialized team that works in harmony as they plan and manage your wealth so that you can enjoy the quality of life you’ve always wanted to enjoy.

Our Advisors

Our advisors are held to the fiduciary standard. That means they are legally bound to do what is in your best interest. Their primary focus is on you and what you want.

Our CPAs

Our CPAs are trained in proactive comprehensive tax planning. Once you become a client of Madrona Financial, you’ll be able to work with our CPAs as needed.

How To Get Started

Get your Madrona Wealth Plan in three easy steps

Check Your Roots

Click the button “Get Started” and request a Madrona Wealth Analysis so that you can clearly see where you and your wealth is firmly rooted and what needs attention based on the seven areas (or roots) that sustain wealth.

Deepen Your Roots

Based on your results from the Madrona Wealth Analysis, you’ll be able to determine if you want to proceed and have a custom Madrona Wealth Plan designed to support your quality of life created for you, or not.

Nurture Your Roots

Once your custom Madrona Wealth Plan is created and you are firmly rooted in the 7 areas that sustain wealth, you’ll be able to partner with our CPAs and Advisor in order to properly nurture your plan for as long as you live.

7 Steps to a Successful Retirement

How to Confirm Your Retirement Is Designed to Support the Quality of Life You Want for 30+ Years

7 Essential Steps to Take Before You Retire

How to Prepare for a 30+ Year Retirement

Learn the Rules to Sustain Wealth

Think All You Need Is Income? Wrong!

How to Sustain Your Wealth, Even in a Crash

The Truth About Tax Planning

Discover What Lifestyle Planning Actually Is

All You Need Is a Good Portfolio, Right? WRONG!

Why Your Advisor May Not Be Enough

BONUS: Exclusive Access to the Growing You Wealth Newsletter

Frequently Asked Questions

Why So Many People Plan With Madrona

Who Do You Work With?

We work with those who want guidance in growing their wealth while maintaining their preferred quality of life. That includes pre-retirement planning, retirement planning, tax planning, real estate exit planning, succession planning, and more.

Those who work with us must have at least $250,000 of investable assets, not including the value of their primary residence.

What Makes Madrona Different?

Our advisors at Madrona Financial are held to the fiduciary standard (required by law to act in your best interest). Also, through our sister firm, we have in-house CPAs ready for advanced tax planning.

At Madrona Financial, you'll get the best of both worlds (Advisors + CPAs)

How Much Does The Rooted Wealth Analysis Cost?

The Rooted Wealth Analysis is a complimentary analysis (no cost to you). We offer it at no cost in hopes that as many people will request it and see where they stand so that they can take a proactive approach in managing their wealth.

How Does Madrona Make Money?

Madrona Financial is an investment advisory firm, meaning we typically get paid a percentage of the assets we manage. The fee will vary based on each clients’ situation but often ranges between 0.8% and 1.25% (or less for DST investments) and can be automatically withdrawn from your investment account on a quarterly basis.

When appropriate for a client, we may sell insurance products (annuities, life insurance, long-term care, etc.) through our affiliate, Madrona Insurance. In this case, we do not collect an ongoing management fee but we do get paid a commission by the insurance agency.

Our CPA fees may be charged hourly al la carte by our sister firm, Bauer Evans, for additional tax planning.

What Do I Need For The First Meeting?

Before every first meeting, we ask that you fill out to the best of your abilities the Rooted Wealth Analysis questions. The more information we have, the better we can serve you. If you also have tax returns, statements, and other financial documents available, it will only help us help you more.

How Much Does The Rooted Wealth Plan Cost To Create?

We do not charge to put together a Rooted Wealth Plan. It is a complimentary service that we provide.


Your Wealth Team