Retirement Has Changed – Have Your Plans?

People are retiring differently today than in the past – just think, will you retire exactly like your parents did? Probably not. Retirement is no longer about the end of a career; it’s about the beginning of a new, often quite active phase of life that could...

Practical Tips for Starting Your Retirement Off on the Right Foot

Retirement planning can be stressful because there are a lot of things to keep track of. One of the steps that often gets overlooked is announcing to your employer that you are going to retire. This may require writing a letter to explain your plans while also...

Lump-sum Payment or Pension – Which Is Right for You?

While pensions at private companies are uncommon these days, many of today’s retirees have the option. If you’re choosing between a lump-sum payment or a pension, you have an important decision to make that could affect your retirement income for the rest of your...

4 Major Retirement Challenges to Overcome

Today’s retirees may be the richest the world has ever seen with Baby Boomers holding more than half of U.S. household wealth as of the end of 2020.[1] While you may be looking forward to traveling, working on your golf game, or retiring early to enjoy more free time,...

Rising Costs in Retirement: Are You Prepared?

In 1960, a gallon of milk cost 36 cents, and today it costs $3.35 on average.[1] Inflation is to blame, and we could see higher inflation in the coming years. It’s important to have a sense of how much you’ll need to spend in retirement, but this is difficult when...

How Much Do You Need to Save for Retirement?

While $1 million is sometimes cited as the ideal number for retirement savings, this assumes a one-size-fits-all approach to retirement planning. Everyone’s retirement goals are unique, and preparing for retirement might not be as simple as saving a certain...