It’s hard to believe another year is coming to a close. Hopefully 2015 will be a memorable one for you and you’re optimistic about what 2016 (and beyond) has in store for you. We’ve had no shortage of events this past year and we’re reminded about how quickly the world around us can change.

I’ve spent my professional life helping the families that we serve prepare for the life ahead. There will always be things that can affect us that are out of our control, but there are plenty of ways that we can help empower ourselves to navigate through whatever life brings us.

So as we say goodbye to this year let’s take a moment to remind ourselves that we’re in control! I’m fortunate to be able to share my thoughts with you each week in an email and in my radio show. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to last week’s, all you have to do is click on the radio link in the menu.

Thanks, and may 2016 be a wonderful year for you!